List of Publications
Wageningen publication period (1997-2002)
Links to other publications 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Daas, P.J.H., Arisz, P.W., Schols, H.A., De Ruiter, G.A., and Voragen, A.G.J. (1998) Analysis of6 partially methyl-esterified galacturonic acid oligomers by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Analytical Biochemistry, 257, 195-202. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Neiss, T.G., Cheng, H.N., Daas, P.J.H., and Schols, H.A. (1998) NMR and statistical analysis of the galacturonic acid and methyl ester distributions in pectic polysaccharides. ACS Polymer Preprint 39(1), 688-689.
Schols, H.A., Ros, J.M., Daas, P.J.H., Bakx, E.J., and Voragen, A.G.J. (1998) Structural features of native and commercially extracted pectins. In: Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 9, Wrexham, UK. (Williams, P.A. and Philips, G.O. eds.), p. 3-15, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK. (google books link)
Schols, H.A., Caessens, P.W.J.R., Daas, P.J.H., Bakx, E.J., Huisman, M.M.H., and Gruppen, H. (1998) MALDI-TOF MS levert snel en nauwkeurig informatie: analyse biopolymeren met nieuwe massaspectrometrische techniek. Voedingsmiddelentechnologie: actueel tijdschrift voor de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de Benelux 31, 40-45. (summary)
Daas, P.J.H., Meyer-Hansen, K., Schols, H.A., De Ruiter, G.A., and Voragen, A.G.J. (1999) Investigation of the non-esterified galacturonic acid distribution in pectin with endopolygalacturonase. Carbohydrate Research, 318, 135-145. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Neiss, T.G., Cheng, H.N., Daas, P.J.H., and Schols, H.A. (1999) Compositional heterogeneity in pectic polysaccharides: NMR studies and statistical analysis. Macromol. Symp. 140, 165-178. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Voragen, A.G.J., Daas, P.J.H., and Schols, H.A. (2000) Enzymes as tools for structural studies of pectins. In: Bioactive Carbohydrate Polymers, Sondøya, Norway. (Paulsen, B.S. ed.), p. 129-145, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL. (google books link)
Daas, P.J.H., Voragen, A.G.J., and Schols, H.A. (2000) Characterization of non-esterified galacturonic acid sequences in pectin with endopolygalacturonase. Carbohydrate Research, 326, 120-129. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Daas, P.J.H., Van Alebeek, G.-J. W.A.M., Voragen, A.G.J., and Schols, H.A. (2000) Determination of the distribution of non-esterified galacturonic acid in pectin with endopolygalacturonase. In: Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 10, Wrexham, UK. (Williams, P.A. and Philips, G.O. eds.), p. 3-18, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK. (google books link)
Daas, P.J.H., Schols, H.A., and De Jongh, H.H.J. (2000) On the galactosyl distribution of commercial galactomannans. Carbohydrate Research, 329, 609-619. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Schols, H., Kabel, M., Bakx, E., Daas, P., Van Alebeek, G.-J., and Voragen, F. (2000) HPLC of oligosaccharides: New developments in detection and peak identification. In: Les separations chromatographiques dans l'analyse et les process sucriers, 7th Symposium International Association Andrew van Hook, Comptes Rendus, pp. 39-45, Reims, France. (pdf-version)
Daas, P.J.H., Boxma, B., Hopman, A.C.P.M., Voragen, A.G.J., and Schols, H.A. (2001) Nonesterified galacturonic acid sequence homology of pectin. Biopolymers, 58, 1-8. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Daas, P.J.H., Voragen, A.G.J., and Schols, H.A. (2001) Study of the methyl ester distribution of pectin with endo-polygalacturonase and high-performance size-exclusion chromatography. Biopolymers, 58, 195-203. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Schols, H.A., Daas, P.J.H., Grolle, K., Van Vliet, T., and De Jongh, H.H.J. (2001) Revealing the chemical fine structure of galactomannans helps us to understand their functionality. In: Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 11, Wrexham, UK. (Williams, P.A. and Philips, G.O. eds.), p. 48, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.
Daas, P.J.H., Grolle, K., Van Vliet, T., Schols, H.A., and De Jongh, H.H.J. (2002) Towards the recognition of structure-function relationships in galactomannans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 4282-4289. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
The list of publications continuous here.
Daas, P.J.H., Arisz, P.W., Schols, H.A., De Ruiter, G.A., and Voragen, A.G.J. (1998) Analysis of6 partially methyl-esterified galacturonic acid oligomers by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Analytical Biochemistry, 257, 195-202. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Neiss, T.G., Cheng, H.N., Daas, P.J.H., and Schols, H.A. (1998) NMR and statistical analysis of the galacturonic acid and methyl ester distributions in pectic polysaccharides. ACS Polymer Preprint 39(1), 688-689.
Schols, H.A., Ros, J.M., Daas, P.J.H., Bakx, E.J., and Voragen, A.G.J. (1998) Structural features of native and commercially extracted pectins. In: Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 9, Wrexham, UK. (Williams, P.A. and Philips, G.O. eds.), p. 3-15, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK. (google books link)
Schols, H.A., Caessens, P.W.J.R., Daas, P.J.H., Bakx, E.J., Huisman, M.M.H., and Gruppen, H. (1998) MALDI-TOF MS levert snel en nauwkeurig informatie: analyse biopolymeren met nieuwe massaspectrometrische techniek. Voedingsmiddelentechnologie: actueel tijdschrift voor de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de Benelux 31, 40-45. (summary)
Daas, P.J.H., Meyer-Hansen, K., Schols, H.A., De Ruiter, G.A., and Voragen, A.G.J. (1999) Investigation of the non-esterified galacturonic acid distribution in pectin with endopolygalacturonase. Carbohydrate Research, 318, 135-145. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Neiss, T.G., Cheng, H.N., Daas, P.J.H., and Schols, H.A. (1999) Compositional heterogeneity in pectic polysaccharides: NMR studies and statistical analysis. Macromol. Symp. 140, 165-178. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Voragen, A.G.J., Daas, P.J.H., and Schols, H.A. (2000) Enzymes as tools for structural studies of pectins. In: Bioactive Carbohydrate Polymers, Sondøya, Norway. (Paulsen, B.S. ed.), p. 129-145, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL. (google books link)
Daas, P.J.H., Voragen, A.G.J., and Schols, H.A. (2000) Characterization of non-esterified galacturonic acid sequences in pectin with endopolygalacturonase. Carbohydrate Research, 326, 120-129. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Daas, P.J.H., Van Alebeek, G.-J. W.A.M., Voragen, A.G.J., and Schols, H.A. (2000) Determination of the distribution of non-esterified galacturonic acid in pectin with endopolygalacturonase. In: Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 10, Wrexham, UK. (Williams, P.A. and Philips, G.O. eds.), p. 3-18, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK. (google books link)
Daas, P.J.H., Schols, H.A., and De Jongh, H.H.J. (2000) On the galactosyl distribution of commercial galactomannans. Carbohydrate Research, 329, 609-619. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Schols, H., Kabel, M., Bakx, E., Daas, P., Van Alebeek, G.-J., and Voragen, F. (2000) HPLC of oligosaccharides: New developments in detection and peak identification. In: Les separations chromatographiques dans l'analyse et les process sucriers, 7th Symposium International Association Andrew van Hook, Comptes Rendus, pp. 39-45, Reims, France. (pdf-version)
Daas, P.J.H., Boxma, B., Hopman, A.C.P.M., Voragen, A.G.J., and Schols, H.A. (2001) Nonesterified galacturonic acid sequence homology of pectin. Biopolymers, 58, 1-8. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Daas, P.J.H., Voragen, A.G.J., and Schols, H.A. (2001) Study of the methyl ester distribution of pectin with endo-polygalacturonase and high-performance size-exclusion chromatography. Biopolymers, 58, 195-203. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
Schols, H.A., Daas, P.J.H., Grolle, K., Van Vliet, T., and De Jongh, H.H.J. (2001) Revealing the chemical fine structure of galactomannans helps us to understand their functionality. In: Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 11, Wrexham, UK. (Williams, P.A. and Philips, G.O. eds.), p. 48, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.
Daas, P.J.H., Grolle, K., Van Vliet, T., Schols, H.A., and De Jongh, H.H.J. (2002) Towards the recognition of structure-function relationships in galactomannans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 4282-4289. DOI-link (summary and on-line version)
The list of publications continuous here.